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    CH2000 helped farmer dramatically

    North Otago farmer, Julian Price, runs an intensive 68ha Sheep & Beef breeding and finishing farm at Kauru Hill. His wife Sharyn lends a hand as required and certainly is an essential part in the operation. Julian has owned his Chainless 2000 now for 3 years and agrees this machine has helped him dramatically. “feeding out used to take a take a good couple of hours, it was a nightmare”. The beauty with the Hustler is either one of us can feed out, “it’s nice & easy”.

    Massive time saver, safer & the fact it will run on a small old tractor are huge benefits to Julian. "I considered second hand machines plus another brand but it came back to the Hustler after I had been recommended it due to the fact I was feeding square bales".

    "The year we bought it we started feeding out on the 8th of Feb till around the 12th of September". Feeding around 250 bales per year of Medium Squares of baleage and lucerne hay, the Hustler gets a reasonable workout.

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    Julian Price – Oamaru